Bread Mixes
3 products in collection

In stockIngredients: cassava flour, potato starch, psyllium husk powder, potato flour, sea salt, baking soda
The recipe that started it all! If you’ve been missing sandwich bread, this is the answer. We recommend using...

Histamine-Friendly Sweet Bread Mix by Dr. Becky Campbell
In stockIngredients: cassava flour, coconut palm sugar, cream of tartar, sea salt, baking soda, tapioca starch
Enjoy this delicious sweet bread from Dr. Becky Campbell without the worry of a histamine reaction! Add in your favorite fruits, nuts, or...

Legit Challah Bread Mix
In stockLEGIT CHALLAH is right! It’s BRAIDABLE! It’s Paleo, Grain + Gluten Free, it’s authentic and is absolute heaven with a bit of ghee or butter. Topped with flaky sea salt and you’ll remember just what Challah was...